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We identify opportunities to improve your existing web and mobile customer journeys, crystallize your target customer personas and their needs, we design improved user journeys and streamlined purchasing flows, all the way to AI-powered customer support if needed, and define relevant CX metrics and measurement practices for continuous improvement
We use modern UX/UI design and rapid prototyping tools to efficiently turn your user requirements and feature roadmap items into implementable UX/UI designs, collaborating efficiently with your product owners and agile development teams. Usability testing is an integral part of our design toolbox and we can also develop a Design System for you for scalability and quality.
Organizations who best utilize their investment in design benefit from higher revenue growth, increased shareholder value and designer job satisfaction. We are a leader in DesignOps development and coaching for large organizations, from measuring the current state of inhouse design operations, to developing internal design-development workflows and toolchains, from design team staffing to design metrics development. Our own DesignOps AI tool will expedite this development even further.
From naming the new product or service to developing the visual identity for the new company, our brand designers are ready to serve from, from logo design to marketing websites, from brand books to marketing videos.
We frequently use the Design Sprint method developed by Google Ventures and we have applied it when developing new services and business models for our clients, in the form of a Business Design Sprint. Some of the tools we use include e.g. Stakeholder Maps and Value Proposition Canvases. A Business Design Sprint often combines elements of business design, service design, user research, and UX/UI prototyping, and user testing.
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