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As part of our DesignOps toolbox we can help with your in-house design talent and product creation staffing needs. Our partners have recruited hundreds of designers, from UI designers to content creators, UX researchers, product managers, marketers, and developers from junior positions to creative leads and design directors, to in-house roles and to agency teams over the last 20+ years.
Our broad network of designers and design leads helps us find the best talent for you effectively. And if you so prefer we work below the radar.
You may have a well-working HR process for recruiting but you lack experience with hiring competent designers. We can help you by reviewing your candidate applications or reviewing their design homework. We can also help you write the brief for the design homework and coach you with designer market salary levels.
You may want to speed up your HR team’s work by having us build the initial “long list” of potential candidates. This is where our networks and designer hiring experience becomes useful. First we define together the criteria (design domain, seniority, physical location, languages, etc.) and then we find you a list of potential candidates for you to contact. We e.g. found 10+ Arabic speaking midweight UX/UI designer candidates in Helsinki to a client literally overnight.
Together with your team we define the criteria for the new position and post the job ad on relevant forums. We do outreach to build a list of tens of candidates, we contact them and interview relevant ones, and build a shortlist with profile descriptions that we introduce to you. We can help you in your interview process by defining, facilitating and reviewing a design test for selected candidates. We help you by building an onboarding process for the chosen candidate or with additional DesignOps support.
If the chosen candidate would not fit during the trial period, we offer a replacement guarantee free of charge. As of today, our recruiting success rate is 100%.
Harri Kiljander
Design Strategist, Founding Partner
+358 40 50 60 007
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